SIFTABLES - Building Blocks For Brains and Bodies

As we watch the gap between physical interaction and computerized models shrink and fold into each other (iphone, Wii, Korg Kaossilator), we begin to see our future. At the recent TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) conference in Long Beach, California, David Merrill of MIT Media Lab demonstrated how they've taken alphabet blocks to a whole new level. Based upon our inherent human ability to think and solve problems by understanding spacial relationships and asking "What if we could reach in with both hands and grasp any information we wanted?", they developed interactive computerized blocks the size of cookies. Each "Siftable" has a screen and can sense each other with their wireless communicators. According to Merril, "They are an example of a new ecosystem of tools for manipulating digital information." Siftables are not yet on the market, but they say "soon."

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