Akihabara - Tokyo's Electric City!

Akihabara - Tokyo's Electric City! from SMaRT Technology Services on Vimeo.

SMaRT Technology Services' Marketing Director, Jeff Wichmann, visits computer and electronic center in Tokyo.

Flashing neon signs, giant ideograms, gaudy posters selling tech goods -- it's all in Akihabara, Tokyo's electric city where you can find any electronic consumer good from around the world. Computer superstores bustle with thousands looking for a deal on the latest laptop. And here, it's all about size and portability. The smaller the better. Sony, Dell, and Toshiba all have micro computers selling anywhere from 500 to 1,500 yen ($500-$1,500). Every store has barkers on microphones announcing the latest deals and brands. Each isle has four sales reps ready to assist with a purchase or barter at a moments notice. Pre-recorded sales announcements in Mandarin scream from the ceiling appealing to the masses of new wealthy Chinese recently visiting Japan. If there is a recession in Japan, you can't tell in a place like this where wallets are springing open and deals are made every hour. This is no Best Buy. And it's certainly no Circuit City.

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