Eye Candy iPhone Apps

At a recent design meet-up in Tokyo I met Tetsuya Imamura of J's Avenue, Inc. - a small Tokyo-based company that focuses on content development for game consoles, mobile phones, PC networks, and pachinko machines. Tetsuya waved two iPhones around showing a cool new application he developed - Stuffed Animal. It's mostly eye candy fun featuring an interactive animated racoon. Hold the phone over your head and he'll try to jump into your view. "I tried to import 3D models into the iphone," he explained. "I thought friendly animals in a virtual world might be cute." This app follows his first, Metallic Worm, where he began building a virtual world. "I thought animated, life-like metallic objects would have impact," he added. These are the first apps he developed for the iPhone which was introduced in Japan 10 months ago. He's currently developing other apps that may be available for the rest of us, if Apple approves them of course. Yet, he's also planning on creating apps for the Android phone. Keep a look out.

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